Final-FantasyX: A Living Dream
Al Bhed Easy Translator
Boss Guide
Game Info
Ultimate Weapons

You are now listening to "Besaid Island" can be found on Besaid Island's pathway when playing FFX, from Final Fantasy X Original Soundtrack.


Chat Room
I will try to be in the chat room everday at 9:00am, 6:00pm and at 10:00pm

Jamizon is Back!
That's right, Jamizon has returned to FFX: A Living Dream
Just want to thank Yojimbo and Yojimbo's dog for all their hard work. You can contact me still at by sending a mail message or instant messaging me.

New E-mail Policy
Follow this simple rule:
Whenever you e-mail me with anythin that has to do with this site or Final Fantasy, PLEASE make the subject say FFX in all-caps just like I have it. This is to ensure that I will see your e-mail in my inbox when I delete all my spam (I get a lot of spam)

Thinking of e-mailing me with a question?
If it is this question then I have save you a step!
Q: How do I get Anima? How do I get back to the airship after I get Anima?
A: In order to get Anima you must first have picked up every single hidden item in each of the previous temples. If you forgot one go back and get it.
After you know you have them all, enter a new quordianat onto the airship for Baaj Temple. You should notice this once you get here. Look familiar? Thats right this is the place that you first came when Auron pulled you up into Sin. Remember that giant fish? Well, to get Anima you have to battle him. If you havnt trained Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku, then you are pretty much screwed because this is an underwater fight so you can only use these 3. After the battle (dont you hate how everything like this skips over the hardest step) move to the temple entrence. Inside you you find some statues. Push them all in. These statues represent the previous temples and can only be pushed in if you got all the hidden goodies. Proceed after you do that and Anima is all yours!
This part is what everyone e-mails me about
Okay, I got Anima and im swimming around in this pool trying to get out, what the hell should I do???
I will tell you that I spent an hour on this part myself when I first played, I had to search on google "how to get out of baaj temple"
The answer is simple, swim around until you see a message on the screen telling you to press a button to get out. Press it and PRESTO! somehow you have climbed out up 50 feet with nothing to climb.
Hope I have helped ease the pain

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Last Updated On:
Tuesday, July 29st, 2003- Jamizon has returned!!!! New e-mail policy, answered a question that has been answered many many times.

Final Fantasy X Fans. This site has lots of information about the game. Final Fantasy X has lots of adventure, this site is to help you on that adventure. You may notice that I took this information from, this is because that site was mine, it was having some problems so I wanted to make a new site. Thank you for visiting and I hope that you come back again.


This site is Under-Construction. You may come across pages that are not completed, I'm still working on them.

Any questions or comments or if you find any mistakes in spelling (there may be some) e-mail me at
